This little bit of virtual real estate used to be properly named "Harbour Lights Collectors Forums". Now its named the more generic "Collector Forums". Apparently some dealer had a hissy fit about some messages here and HL wanted to be clear that they weren't the owner/sponsor/operator and thus not responsible for all the dangerous subversive rhetoric floating around. (gasp!) I think its all kinda tacky, but its their name and their business and their dealers.

So as your pesky fogmeister, I'm asking for suggestions on what you think this place should be called. Since caveats seem to be the order of the day, I should note I haven't consulted with JC on this and its ultimately up to him and his board of directors about anything that goes on here and I'll happily defer. But it seems a harmless topic for discussion.

So - what should these forums be called? Here's some suggestions to get the ball rolling:

Lighthouse Model Collector Forums
Harbour Haven
Wacko World
International House of Collectors

/im (Sure feels like Winter)
[This message has been edited by JTimothyA (edited 12-18-99).]