Dennis - At least I have had some interest in this post, whether it be pro or con makes little difference to me. Also, I want to come right out and say, no matter how boring the Forums become to me, I still enjoy reading what few new posts we have and don't intend to "give up the ghost".

I also look forward to hearing all about the Reunion Cruise and wish that I could be with everybody. In your above post it was stated "I understand that part of the reason that the discussion of the Cruise does not interest or excite you is that you personally don't care to participate in the event". The reason I can't participate is, as I stated in my original post is "I wish I could be going but my wife's health is more importent to me then going on a cruise". I also stated that "I also had a fantastic year in Yakatat, AK on an isolated LORAN A station and got to see quite a bit of how great Alaska is". So, hopefully that clears up the point about me not caring about the cruise!

John - My intent is to try and encourage new members, and existing members, to post. If they choose not to post or participate, for whatever reasobn, then that is their choice and I'll respect that opinion.

Loon - I wish we had 20 more like you and there would always be some new posts to read. Keep it up and try to clone a few more posters like you.
