As I sit back and check the Forums 3-4 times a day to approve/disapprove potential members, it has come to my attention that the number of collectors, or shall I say non-collectors, is slowly increasing to the point that the Forums are just plain BORING, BORING, BORING. Oh, did I mention that the Forums are about as exciting as reading the ending of a book and then reading the same book from the beginning.

There does not appear to be anyone collecting the lighthouses that these Forums are named after. Except for a dedicated few that still post about the lighthouses that are made by Harbour Lights, all I see are posts that do not relate to the reasons these Forums were created, and that is HARBOUR LIGHT Lighthouses. I review approximately 35-45 new applicants a day, with maybe 1 or 2 being associated with lighthouses in general. the rest are spammers. Whenever I do approve a new member I say to myself that maybe this new member will post and ask questions. This happens only once or twice a month that a new member will post and usually that is to sell their collection that is no longer wanted by them. Even the new members that may be interested in posting have absolutly nothing to post against. And the reason for this is "THE FORUMS ARE BORING!!!!

I'm extremely happy that the 2011 Reunion cruise is going to happen and I wish I could be going but my wife's health is more importent to me then going on a cruise. Besides, I had a fantastic cruise to Southeast Asia back in 1967-68 and 36 months of North Atlantic cruises looking for iceburgs between 1971 thru 1973 so ships really don't turn me on very much. I also had a fantastic year in Yakatat, AK on an isolated LORAN A station and got to see quite a bit of how great Alaska is. You guys are really going to love Alaska and it's scenery. Now, to my point that I'm trying to make and that is simply "I wish that half the excitment expressed about this Reunion Cruise could be shown about collecting Harbour Lights". It just seems to me that we have become a social forum rather then the real reason that this forum was created, and that is for the collectors of Harbour Lights. Color me pesimistic, but, this is what I perceive from the majority of recent posts over the last year or so.

It will be interesting to see how many will read this post, and more importantly, take the time to respond to it with your feelings, and your comments (pro or con).
