And what if the dealer is also a collector? The dealer should be allowed to post in the forums like everyone else. Maybe to make it fair, he should not be allowed to post in the marketplace only. A good example is Terry of the Bronze Lady. He is fair and above board in all his dealings that I have observed and also been a part of. I enjoy hearing from him as a knowledgeable dealer. Had it not been for Terry posting that he had extra gold bridges, I would not have been able to get one as I was working that day and couldn't spend the time to call in. Also, what about the auction taking place at Collector's World. They are also fair and above board people from what I know and have heard about them. I could go on and list many dealers that I have talked to that are also collectors and have great knowledge when it come to Harbour Lights. I would like to see some of this knowledge placed on these Forums. We need new blood on the Forums to keep it alive because it seems like the majority of the new members either are too timid to post or do not want to post. I think to say dealers are not allowed to post, and that this practice should continue, is unfair to the dealers and collectors. This is my opinion and may not be shared by others, but, this is how I feel.
