Chuck, The one thing that you want to consider when shipping to a customer is INSURANCE. UPS authorized dealers(I don't know about UPS itself) usually charge an additional charge( mine charges $2.50) to handle all the paperwork if a claim is involved. I have had one claim for a damaged lighthouse when it was received at it's destination. The buyer called UPS and they picked it up and returned it to my shipper. He called me up and I showed him proof of it's value and he filled out the claim. About two weeks later he returned my piece to me along with a check for the full secondary market value. In several dealings with the Post Office I have had to wait up to 3 months for payment. When you have to return the buyers money and then have to wait 3 months for payment, it's well worth the extra couple of bucks to ship UPS through an authorized agent. This is just a thought for you.

Rich cool
