Dave's point was that a dealer who lists something for sale -- who doesn't have it in hand ready to sell -- isn't playing by eBay rules.

The 30 day listing and the lack of a real location and the lack of a serial number are other tip-offs that this person is trying to sell something they do not have on hand.

The use of Paul's images on auction sites by dealers is specifically prohibited -- although they can use them on their own website. I policed that use for a time and when I submitted the requests for removal, eBay acted promptly on the removal of the listings.

While I was webmaster, I had authorization from Harbour Lights to act on their behalf with these requests to eBay. No one appears to be acting on this anymore.

However, I think that anyone could file an objection to a listing on the basis that the seller does not have the product on hand to sell.

eBay has removed and prohibited listings for iPhone models before they were officially released, for example.