We all know Bill can't possibly continue to keep the pace up on all the events, signings, festivals and club meetings he's been attending each year. I am kind of curious about what this board thinks about Harbour Lights continuing to have an actual Company Representative beginning to fill in for Bill. It's time for Bill and Nancy to relax and enjoy themselves, imho!

Do you think Harbour Lights needs to keep promoting themselves through the above type of events?

If Harbour Lights continues to have signings who would you like to see on the road representing the company? Kim, Harry, Mo, etc?

Will a Harbour Lights Sales Rep. fill the gap? Are you thrilled about attending a signing if it is only hosted by a Rep?

What are your suggestions if any of the current selection of Harbour Lights Employees are already to vital to leave the office and hit the road as Bill does now?

Any thoughts? Anybody else wondering these things besides me?

Add your comments or suggestions!