It's almost two days without a post in this thread. I'm anxious waiting to talk with my personal contact at my dealer in Oregon. She will be working today and I'll try to get a call to her in between taking care of the "boys" and time at the hospital with Lorna.

I need to know what the straight skinny is on these single-digit pieces and what has to be done to purchase them. Forget the Flag# 1's. I could never justify spending that kind of money to make myself smile when no one else in my family really cares about them. My current focus would be to purchase at least one, or if necessary several single digit flags. This may mean forming a consortium of serious collectors who are willing to cough up some cash to purchase one of the lots of HL's. The more members of the consortium, the less of an investment by each. I'm figuring maybe $600-$800 each, but don't know for sure at this time. Before I can even think about it, I really need to know what is actually happening. Hopefully, I will get the information soon.

cool Bob cool