Looks like a nice job of forum archaeology, Peter. Early entries in The Factoid Series partly derive from messages I posted on the AOL forum that was the predecessor to these fora. Not all survived - at least in my databanks. Alas, some slices of history are lost in time. This is vaguely documented in my final msg. of the thread here .

The download of my spreadsheet did not survive the transition to upgraded forum software. There used to be little mailboxes for each of the forums that served as repositories for the forum admins to post news, updates, welcome messages, and the like. That is where the spreadsheet was stashed. A software upgrade seems to have done away with those little mailboxes.

I'm glad someone sent you a copy. Does the copy you received have a version number in the footnotes? Version 1.05 or later is the one you want. Hopefully you've figured out the formulas and whatnot.