You rang? Currently I have about thirty duplicate HL's in my storage area. I even have some triplicates.

If I see a deal on eBay or happen to stop by a store that is closing or no longer carrying HL's, I look for lights from my area of the country. Some HL's are given as gifts, while others are sold for a small profit.

Is it worth my time? Probably not, but I enjoy doing it. It also provides me the opportunity to pass on a deal to a friend or two.

Sometimes it works, and other times it may not. For example, I offered HL 241 the Panama Canal Matched Set for retail at the New Marketplace. This is Flag #529 of a piece that only 4000 were made. It didn't sell. Maybe I should offer it for $50 and see if it goes.

Well thats what I do in between shipments from my dealer. It still affords me the opportunity to "hunt them down" even though I have them all (except for Coquille River LE).

smile Bob smile