To my mind, the most interesting and rare piece had to be the Cape Hatteras.

After the first 250 or so of each of the original 17 were cast in Southern California, the master molds were shipped to Castle Studios where production continued. During the course of production in Canada, all of the molds were modified. Most had their doors and windows cleaned up. Most also had the hand-sculpted ventilator ball replaced with a ball-bearing.

This piece showed evidence of having been modified, but to my knowledge, no castings were made of it. So it is truly one of a kind. Rarest of the rare, in my opinion.

While the white Burrows was also unique, it was of the California mold with the OR error. About 250 of these pieces were cast in California and another 250 were cast in Canada still with the OR error. The fact that it was unpainted made it also one of a kind -- but with the modifications to the Original Hatteras, in my opinion it was the rarer of the two.