Another year in the "Your Faves" series...

1994 was a mix-up of georgraphic regions. Almost every part of the country was represented.

Here's the year's lights: 1994 HLs

Since the GLOWs have begun this year, I want to note that we are ONLY discussing limited edition lighthouses from this point forwards. It's the only good stuff. smile

My faves:

Barnegat is a very nice light, and somewhat special to me (not like Sea Girt, but still somewhat). The piece is a coveted Green Water piece. But for all that...I think the HL is kind of blah. It's nice, but it's not really....exciting.

However, Cape Neddick is my hands-down winner this year. It's got some great little details, and has a great quality. Heceta Head is also great, with the trail curving up the mountain and the good representation of the light's unique architecture. Holland is fantastic...another neat piece.

So....what are your favourite 1994 HLs?