No. 1.
In August 1998, went to a relatives wedding in Sioux City, Iowa. A local HL dealer told us a dealer in LeMars, Iowa was discontinuing the line and had HL on sale at 50% off. We practically flew to LeMars as the sale has been going on for several weeks. Arrived at the store to discover HL at 75% off. They had about 20 or so in stock, quite a few were damaged or had no boxes. We walked away with a matched Morris Island set, Port Isabel, Cape Blanco, Jeffrey’s Hook and Old Point Loma GLOW all MIB and at 75% off retail.

On this same trip stopped at Boone, Iowa and found another treasure. The store was in an old building on the main street in town. The clerk happened to mention they had a lot of HL in the basement. He let us go down the narrow steps to the basement and there we discovered box after box of HL. We attempted to go through the stacks looking for that elusive missing LE. Keep in mind, this is a basement in an old building, dimly lit with just a few light bulbs. Although we didn’t find any of the rare LEs, we did pick up a 1997 Society package, complete for $53.

No. 2.
Received Fort Niagara for the Certificate in our Big Sable.

No. 3.
Our dealer knew how much we wanted SE Block Island LE. She gave us one, slightly damaged, and refused to take any money for it. She knew we would give it a good home. When Bill Younger was in Dallas for the Collector’s Jubilee, we asked him about having the damage repaired. After talking with Bill, we decided to forego any repairs, as it’s not a piece we ever intend to part with.

Tom & Joyce