I have been reading doom and gloom posts here and in many other areas of the Forum. I know that many of you know the new owner, Don, and that he is a collector and member of the Forum. If Don is a member of the Forum and checks in even once in awhile, he has to be aware of all the concerns of the collectors that post. He obviously is not keeping his dealers up to date with anything, including new releases or where they fit into his future plans. I was unaware that Lighthouse Depot required a buyer to purchase $475.00 worth of merchandise to receive free shipping. Why would anyone purchase from them when almost all other dealers only require about $100.00 to be purchased to receive free shipping? From that standpoint, if Don does not do something to support his dealers, his shipping charges will put an end to Harbour Lights once the dealers are gone. I am beginning to wonder if Lighthouse Depot became the number one Harbour Lights dealership because of Don or in spite of him.
