Carolyn and Roy McBee won the auction for the St. George Reef light glass - $400 I believe.

Nope, no list of names of winners from the bus raffles. I'll be back later with totals.

Between the regional and the boat / bus raffle we gave away 3 old Anchor Bays (Nancy, Kim, Toledo as I recall), 5 APs, including the AP for this year's Christmas piece at the regional, a number of LE / GLOWs, a couple sets of nice HL mugs, a load of t-shirts. On the boat we also had 3 sets of coins from the 2005 MD Challenge, donated by the Chesapeake Chapter of the USLHS and also a DVD about Thomas Point. Each day we also had a nice jewelry box made by Bill Parrish, featuring pictures of the 2005 Reunion HL pieces.