Since you asked, I did some dime store research.

I figure that anyone who would spend their time and money to travel to the Harbour lights reunion is a "wacko" to some degree.
I opened my handy reunion "Lightkeepers directory" and did some counting. The list of people who wanted to be included in the directory has 376 household's listed listing a total of 649 people and of those 376 households listed 187 of them do not list an e-mail address. So if you use those numbers as "known wacko's" then around 50% of the households in the reunion directory are not connected to the internet.
I am going to guess a margin of error to be under 10% one way or the other.

I also figure Tim will further digest these numbers and make some projections as to wether or not the childern who attended the reunion will one day inheirt a parents collection and sell it or continue the family tradition of collecting Harbour lights.

From KPM Pete Marginal,