I have over 180 on display. All the limited except the original Hatteras and the same Burrows, OR and Split Rock, MI that John mentioned and many of the variations. That includes all the Open and Limited of the Lighthouses, AB, Reunion, ornaments and thumbnails etc. etc. etc.

My choice is quadruple 0 I think the history of a limited edition just like the lighthouses should not be messed with at all. That is what the Opens are for (a version available to all).Hold down the booing, this is my turn. There are still many great lighthouses left to be done and I can't wait until Harbour Lights does them all. The 5500 number editions and the ones that all 5500 weren't produced, are part of the history of a YOUNG company and their development. I don't believe that 24 different versions of Hilton Head (don't laugh there are a lot of golfers out there and they have only seen that lighthouse) is what they had or have in mind as a Limited Edition. If you make 2 then why not 3 then more and more. What is limited then? Perhaps only the limited time it takes to produce the next limited version of HL Portland limited version26. I don't think so!

There, I feel much better now!


Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!