OK, I've got 100 of these coming - should arrive by Thursday from Hilton Head. Price will be $9.50 including mailing in a air-bubble padded envelope. For those who want to order by PayPal, it will be $9.75 each to cover the PayPal fee.

Of that approximately $6.00 will be going toward the Bill "Screwpile" Younger fund. No discount for multiples, but multiple orders are certainly welcome. Makes the accounting easier and it is for a good cause.

I can get more if the demand exceeds 100. BTW, this is about the same deal you'd get if you called the Sea Pines gift shop when you factor in shipping. They are happy to have us do this - "It's for a good cause!"

Paul will have one to photograph in a few days and I'll wait until he has that photo before posting an order form.

If you'd like to make a separate extra donation for the fund, make your check out to "Thomas Point/USLHS" and put "Bill Younger Screwpile" in the MEMO area. We'll forward all the checks to them and you'll get the tax deduction. You don't need to be a registered member to order or donate.
