Bingo, Melody... Sea Pines (Hilton Head)

I've worked out a deal with them to purchase a quantity and offer them for sale to CF Members. Details and an order form will be posted on Sunday. All profits above cost and postage will go to Bill's favorite Lighthouse - Thomas Point MD.

As those who were at the regional know, Thomas Point will name one of the screwpiles after Bill Younger when we collectors raise $5,000 for Thomas Point. At the Regional a total of about $1,985 was raised through small donations and the auction of a gold Cape St. George donated by Jerry and Donna Siatkowski for this purpose. (Thanks Jerry, Donna, and Ron Foster!) And from the bus raffle on Saturday arranged by Dave.

We've gotten a discount on the normal cost of naming one of the screwpiles - half off, thanks to Henry Gonzalez, VP, Eastern USLHS.