In case you haven't noticed, I haven't nominated a light to be considered as the model for the special CF piece. As a member of the "Work Team", I have kept an open mind and have been checking out all the links added to the replies by our members.

I try to think of simple but different lights when it comes to making a nomination. Simple and different just don't seem to go together. I guess it is either simple, or it's different. When I think simple, the first light that came into my mind was one that was already nominated by another CF member, Derby Wharf in Salem Mass. I also think of Long Point and Wood End in Provincetown, Mass. These lights are simple but not necessarily different. All three are white with black lantern rooms.

Another light I think would make a great HL LE, and probably will be some day, is Great Point on Nantucket. Even if we proposed that one to Kim I think she would want the right to keep that as a future LE by Harbour Lights.

The Gurnet in Plymouth, MA, was also suggested. It is somewhat different looking but due to it's remote inaccessible location, unless your a property owner at Saquish, it may not be a great choice.

I think my attention may be drawn to something that still exists and is totally different from anything HL has offered to date. Maybe something in green would be appropriate.

We need something really different from anything we have in our collections. We need a light that is so different, that everyone will want to buy it even though it is not from their region. If it draws their scrutiny and makes them smile, we have a winner.

Okay all you lighthouse nuts, you have your assignment! Find us something really different and just maybe that might end up as the CF Special.

smile Bob smile