Since I have made a commitment to purchasing all of the releases the spacing out for monetary reasons is not an issue. Why I would support an equal distribution of pieces over the course of the year is for enjoyment. When I get new pieces I leave them on my desk for several weeks before placing them in the curio. This gives me the opportunity to admire them, look them over for little details, and overall enjoy them in detail on a daily basis for several weeks. Several weeks works out well to "get to know" the new pieces. When a big group comes in each piece gets a little less attention, and I don't get to appreciate the individual pieces as much. Also by being spread out it gives me a chance to build some anticipation, and that heightens my enjoyment. However, I am hooked on Harbour Lights lighthouses, and "if they build it, I will buy". It may not be the best economic philosophy, but it sure makes for good things to enjoy on cold winter nights.