This turned out to be a tougher decision than I thought. I had to look over my pieces closely and reaffirmed my thoughts that each seem to have their own specialness. Upon further reflections (and a couple of glasses of wine) I came up with the following choice(s):

My favorite of the original 17 is Cape Blanco, because I think it depects the lighthouse, and it setting the best of the first 17 that I have visited. Also it doesn't hurt to remind myself that it is an unnumbered artist proof, it is signed, and that I paid 20% below list for it.

However, if I was to vote on the one that I think is the best done overall, I would have to say it would be St. Georges Reef. I just like the paint scheme, the detail, and the overall look of the piece.

I am still looking at upgrading some of the pieces that I own, but I really like all of the original 17 just as much as the newer pieces with all their improvements. I think they have their own appeal that lets me enjoy them as much as any of the other pieces I have.

I really appreciate topics like this one that make me go back to my collection and look at pieces, or groupings, and ponder on why I collect HL's. Thanks.