
A straight run from the area of NJ you live in to Jacksonville, FL is about 950 miles and about 16 hours driving- 2 days.

You'd have to add 2 days to the trip for a total of 4 days just to get to the tip of Florida to get to all of the lighthouses in SC & GA. There's a great little FL guide book that gives you a 5 day trip around the state to see most of the Lighthouses. It could be difficult to accomplish even with this time frame- you have to do a bit of bacxktracking to get back and forth from the Lighthouses along the coast.

Of course this doesn't take into account any of the days or times of day you have to be at a certain Lighthouse. It does give some of this info, though. It also contains some directions.

I've got a copy if you'd like it.
