I'm inclined to save everything that I can identify as original. This includes the item, any accessories, cards, tent card, etc and includes the original form fitting strofoam and original box.

The reasons for this are many, but the most important one is for the protection of the HL Replica when you move. I try and keep original boxes and insets for electronics or anything else that can be damaged in transit.

The other major reason is resale value- many collectors place additional value on something that is in it's original packaging. It's complete original packaging.

That's not to say that a Coquille wouldn't not be worth probably literally it's weight in Gold with or without the box, etc.

It's the more accessible items that can differ in value more with things missing. Yes, I know we all say (or most anyway) that we are not collecting to sell things. As can be seen everyday in the forums and on eBay we Collectors often change our minds.

There's nothing wrong with not keeping the strofoam, it's just IMHO it's better to have it, than to not have it.
