Pronunciation: "An act or manner of articulating speech. A way of articulating speech. A phonectic transcription of a word."

Do you think you know the correct pronunciation of the name of every lighthouse you come across or read about? Have you ever wondered if you were pronouncing the name correctly? Sometimes only those who live near a particular light know exactly how its name should be pronounced.

I thought it might be interesting to list a lighthouse name, spell out your personal pronunciation phonectically and see whether other forum members agree or not.

I'll start it off with Heceta Head :

I always referred to this lighthouse as "Ha-cee-tah Head". Then one time I heard Kim refer to it as "Hah-sa-tah Head". Pardon my butchering of phonectic spelling, but hopefully you will understand what I'm trying to express phonectically.

Can anyone give the correct pronunciation phonectically? Are there other lighthouse names you've wondered about?

confused Bob confused