Excellent photos, I can't wait until my son is a little bit older to get back out on the Potomac. He's 2 1/2 now, so it won't be long. These pics just made me miss it that much more!

Swan Point Bar has a VERY dangerous uncharted knoll on the downriver side of the bar. It's surrounded by 10-15 foot water, it rises out of nowhere to about 1-1 1/2 feet, it's hard sand and very hazardous to sailboats and power boats alike. I remember fishing near it with my dad, and a DNR officer was coming up to check our licenses and we tried to tell him to raise his outboard but I think he thought we were trying to fly with the arm signals and looked at us crazy. He wound up chewing his prop up pretty badly. If you frequent the area you can see the knoll on Google Earth, be really careful around there.

Anyways I'll stop my rambling:) Thanks for the great photos!!