It's always nice to hear that folks enjoy the pages. I try to get shots at these sorts of events which represent the day.

On my site, I also have the Orient Point birthday celebration and the annual East End Seaport cruise.

I expect to going on the cruise ( ) out of Waterford, CT on the 29th and you can be sure I'll have at least two cameras with me. I'll also be doing reports from a couple of Lighthouse Safaris tours ( ) on which I'll be a tour guide in September and October.

There's an independent film being shot at Horton Point soon and I'll have some images from "on location" to share. Expect those images to be on the official Horton Point page ( ) by Labor Day. Perhaps I'll even get my first chance for big screen stardom.

Cliff Benfield did get to appear in an independent film shot at the light several years ago. If you get the chance to meet Cliff, tell him you saw him in a movie once and loved the way he said "Hi Zack. Come on in." Just don't tell him that I told you about it. ;-)

Bob Muller
Stony Brook, NY