Well...in November at least. I just booked the San Francisco Room at East Brother Island Lightstation (Bed and Breakfast) for November 9 - our first wedding anniversary! Then, for the rest of the week we'll be touring some of San Francisco, and seeing the following lights (hopefully):
Alcatraz, Ft. Point, Blunts Reef Lightship(?), Carquinez Strait, Pt Bonita, Pt Reyes, Pt Arena(maybe), Pt Montera, Pigeon Pt, Santa Cruz Light, Pt Pinos, and Pt Sur. Yerba Buena is one I'd also like to see, but I know I won't be able to get near it. I'm really excited, I've never been to San Francisco before ( or the West Coast for that matter ).
If any of you have any recommendations to offer as far as something else to see (or a light I may be overlooking), I'd really appreciate it.
