Hi Dave,

Dennis was wearing a t-shirt with the Tarrytown lighthouse on it. I asked him where he got it. He started to explain thru the collectors forum not realizing I knew right there that he had to be a Harbour Light or at least lighthouse nut.

Actually, I didn't take as many pictures as I intended. I was too engrossed in conversation with Dennis & his wife re our common interests. But since it is a local light I'll have other opportunities.

I was visiting the light alone, so I find I tend to strike up conversations more than when I'm with my husband. In fact chatting with another guy on the tour I found out about a bald eagle group meeting this PM further up the Hudson. Seems the eagles winter on islands due to the fish available. So my camera & I plan to join them & hope to spot the eagles.

Just the few times I've had a chance to chat with other Wackos I know I'd really enjoy the renunion.
