Our trip starts next Friday morning. Sooo many lighthouses! Bob, your site has been a big help. I especially liked your story about visiting Cedar Island and can't wait to walk the beach, collecting shells, on the way to see the lighthouse. One lighthouse that I would really like to see is Faulkner's Island. Its 4 miles off Guilford Harbor. Anyone have suggestions, or a boat captain in that area? How well can we see it from shore? Sound Navigation isn't doing trips anymore, they used to have trips to see all the Conn. lights. Usually we take a folder of information with us, this time it looks like I am taking a notebook. I have a plan for every light except Faulkner's. Very excited, very nervous about traffic. Plan is to stay away from Long Island on weekends. Friday we will see some NYC area lighthouses, like Jeffrey's Hook and then we have a narrated boat trip to see 16 Rhode Island lighthouses, plus former sites on Saturday. We postponed our trip specifically to take this boat trip. I think Block Island on Sunday, mainly because the LHs are only open on the weekends, and the rest we make up as we go along. We have never gone lighthousing in an area so full of lighthouses as this. I am on overload just thinking about it.
