Dale: How wonderful!

First I would try to get a good map of each country. Find out the name of each country's tourist information office and call them. Tell them what specific things you want information on. Lighthouses! My stuff is real old but France should be the "French Government Tourist Office". Phone is 212-757-1125. By now they probably have a toll free #. Find tourism sites on the web, or call 800 information, buy a NY Times Sunday paper, ask a travel agent.

There's a site on Italian lighthouses in the International section of the Internet Index on the HL site. It's hiding now,under "Lighthouses". Check the Internet Index forum. I just posted something about France. Maybe it will help.

Look what I just found:

I have no idea how much this is!

You could also try calling HL. With the International Series and now the Pharos Lights they may be able to give you some information. Persevere. Sleuthing is fun!

[This message has been edited by mombo (edited 02-17-2000).]