The first lighthouse I visited was Fire Island. My family had a bungalo in Ocean Beach and my cousin and I walked the beach from Ocean Beach back towards the Robert Moses bridge and causeway (the West end of Fire Island where the lighthouse was located). We were about 15 years old at the time and if memory serves this was approx an 8 to 10 mile trek each way. Needless to say we were both exhausted by the end of the day, but the experience of standing at the base and looking up at the latern room was extraordinary. I also remember how old and weathered the structure looked up close while standing at the base. The lighthouse has of course since been restored. Since then, while my return visits are becoming fewer in number with each passing year (now live in MA), every time my family crosses Great South Bay via the Fire Island Ferry on the way on Ocean Beach, the Fire Island lighthouse still looms tall and holds great memories.
Len Ariagno