Day 7.

Well, it doesn't look like the weather is going to cooperate today. I cannot complain -- I've had fabulous weather here for more days than I deserve.

I got out of bed this morning at 6:30, showered, ate breakfast and departed for the New Dungeness lighthouse. My plan was to hike the 5.5 miles (one way) of Dungeness Spit out to the lighthouse. You can't drive out to the light. It was a chilly 45 degrees and raining cats & dogs. I must be nuts, I thought to myself. I convinced myself (but not without a prolonged fight!) to abandon the plan. What is it they say about people who argue with themselves?

Instead I went into Bremerton to view the Turner Joy (a Sherman class destroyer that saw action in the Gulf of Tonkin in '64), and several other large Naval vessels. I looked for submarines too, Tim, but they were hiding.

As a write this, I'm looking out my 11th story window in downtown Tacoma and see some snow flurries mixed in with the rain. Doesn't look too promising for lighthousing for the remainder of the trip -- the only lights remaining require long hikes and/or long drives. I don't mind either, but I really don't want to take a long drive only to chicken out of a long hike beacause of the weather. I must be getting tired. This wouldn't have stopped me last week! Anyway, I need to save some lighthouses for next time .

Thanks for traveling along. I'll post pictures when I get back. See ya'll back in Tennessee!

Word of the day: nimbo-stratus


[This message has been edited by Art (edited 04-19-99).]
