The dock is no longer there. The posts that held it up are still there, but the dock itself is gone. Now, in order to get to it, you'd have to wade through about 100 yards of salt marsh. Not a good idea. Once on Hilton Head Island, I tried to walk through some, and one step into it, I sank almost a foot. I wanted to do it anyway, but Captain Gallager said it wasn't a good idea. He was a very nice man, and we ha a great time. It is definately worth the money to go with him.
When I was there the only thing left of the dock was the piles also. Our guide stated that if we stayed just to the left of the piles the ground was very firm. We did so and did not sink in.

I thought I had a photo of the "troops" wading ashore at CR, but I don't. I did however have a picture of a goat. Got the rear end of one hightailing it out of sight near the base of the new tower. laugh
