Lisa D.

Your opinions are some of the same things I was concerned about for years. HL expanded numbers they produced too fast and reduced numbers produced way too slow in their limited editions. Doing much better lately! Too late??-we'll see. Difficult time nowadays in the collectibles market to try to undue past mistakes. They severely injured the "goose that laid them the golden eggs."

Another problem was too many new introductions each year--especially for those who desired to try to collect all the limiteds. They're doing better with this problem too. Collectors are also doing more specific collecting now too, not trying to get them all.

Finally, if you follow e-bay auctions for HL, you'll notice another BIG problem. New limited editions up for auction and selling for below list price. They better get this bleeder under control soon--I have yet to see much progress although they claim to be working on it. Same old offenders selling away as usual this week on e-bay.

Keep on posting Lisa! You got me fired up about voiceing my concerns.
