Originally posted by Middle I-land MI Max:
I too agree with the idea that input from dealers can be a valuable point of view to us collectors. I welcome their posts and viewpoints!!

I notice that after Roland completes his post there is an additional line under his name that states: http://www.thecapecodstore.com...
Possibly this is the problem and could be changed. This additional line could be interpreted as "self promoting their store".

How do Jim and Ann of Cape Annie's store end their posts?


I understnad your point but I think roland handles this well as well- the link takes you directly to the portion of his website that is informative in nature about lighthouses and has nothing directly to do with his business.

Saying that you can directly go from that page back to his home page so if you want to get real technical it could break the spirit of the prohibition but not the letter of it IMHO.
