In the legacy that should be in the mail soon, Harbour Lights announces that these 12 lighthouses will be retired on December 31, 1999.

HL157 Selkirk, NY
HL160 Cape Meares, OR
HL162 Brant Point, MA
HL165 Charlotte-Genessee, NY
HL169 Peggy's Cove, NS
HL170 Point Pinos, CA
HL171 Saugerties, NY
HL173 Matinicus Rock, ME
HL174 Ida Lewis, RI
HL178/417 Mukilteo, WA
HL179 Toledo Harbor, OH
HL186 Concord, MD

That means that dealers can order more of them until then. Some will have been retired after having all 9500 ordered by dealers, and others will be retired before the full edition run. In the article Harbour Lights explains their reasoning for the early retirements. This month window for dealers gives them time to order some before the end of the year. Stores that are near certain lighthouses will probably stock up a little on the area lighthouses. This also will mean that the Lady Lighthouse Keepers set will all now be retired with HL170 Point Pinos, HL 171 Saugerties, HL173 Matinicus Rock and HL174 Ida Lewis joining HL172 Chatham which was retired early 11/12/98 with the roofline problem.

SaintWackoPaul '
Keep the Flame

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!