Talking to Kim at the Jacksonville, FL signing today, the rumor about a new St. Augustine LE and Lightship Relief was made official.

Kim said that a LE ST. Augustine, with all outbuildings and keeper's quarters, would be brought out in time for the ST. Augustine Regional in March 2004. It would be a production piece that would run for a normal time depending on the number of pieces made. She did not elaborate on whether it would be lighted or not. Kim also went on to say that the Lightship Relief would also be brought out as a normal LE and would also be for a unspecified production number. It would be available for the 4th of July Regional in San Fransisco.

Kim also made mention that from now on the Regionals would be in conjunction with lighthouse festivals so a larger attendance would be provided for. Bill is doing fine and Kim said that she would be glad when it can get back to normal around the offices. It was a great signing and Kim was her usual spunky self.
