Originally posted by Jim Awrey:

Ordering this book from a Harbour Lights dealer should not feel like something you [b]"have to do."
This is a chance to support a dealer who is most local to YOU, especially if you aren't going to the regional event. We truly hope that "THE PLAN" wasn't setting up the book release to coincide with helping the "HL dealer" setting up at the regional. "THE PLAN" of this great book should be to help strengthen the entire dealer network.

Jim [/b]
The timing of this book was always to have it ready for the Christmas Shopping Season.

I 'pitched' the book to Don in late January; got a favorable response and Paul and I went to work on it starting in Febuary and are just now putting the finishing touches on it.

The schedule I worked out with the publisher was to have a channce to 'show it' in mockup form to collectors at the summer regional and have it available for sale by the time of the Regional Event in Maine.

Not because that's where you-know-who is located, but because a hundred or so potential buyers will be there. It's not these 100 that will make-or-break the book. But it will provide Paul and I and Don Devine a good and quick-reading barometer on how it will be received when the rest of the collectors see it or hear about it.

I'll "AMEN" that I sure hope lots of dealers order this book from Lighthouse Marketing/Harbour Lights. I know Tony is on the road to various shows this summer dragging a mock-up of the book with him and showing it off.

As the book has been coming together, re-invigoration of the collector base has certainly been something I've seen coming out of this. That is to say, I'm looking at the book saying "Boy! If this doesn't pull some collectors who've slipped off the bandwagon back on board, I don't know what will do it."

And I can see some 'browsers' in a collectible store picking up thie 2.5 lb. work saying to themselves "This must be quite a collectible! I'll read up on it."

I hope dealers will order it; I hope they'll talk it up with their Harbour Lights collectors starting now.

I know over the years since the last books appeared, there have been rumors of 'new' books about Harbour Lights coming out -- and then they didn't. This one is coming for sure!

You'll excuse me if I brag a bit -- but I don't think anybody is going to be disappointed with it. laugh

Harbour Lights is investing a big chunk of change to get the book printed and delivered in time for the Fall season. Hope the dealers will show their support and that the collectors will too.

Thanks Jim.