The Product list is in the final stages.. Tony is trying to make sure it is as accurate as he can get it. I have been proofing it against my inventory list..

The 5357 edition amount difference and the discovery of a higher numbered HL528 Point Fermin doesn't mean there are 500 more necessarily..

I know that sounds confusing but for example there could even be higher numbers out there and still only be around 5357 released. There could have been some of them destroyed and never sent to stores..

I have a version of HL405 Montauk, NY #A1851 that was never released for sale in stores.. Numbers of the amount released are based on numbers sold to dealers, not the number on the flags of the lighthouses.

The one in the middle is the A1851 that never went into production and sold at stores..

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!