Based on the various comments to date, here's how I interpret them.

1. Not everyone cares for the cruise idea. Some folks just prefer staying on terra firma for the majority of the time.

2. Many folks are still clamoring for the Great Lakes location, probably because it was considered for the last reunion.

3. Cost - whether land based or water based expenses can vary taking into account accomodation, season and activities.

4. Location - Whether N, S, E, W or MW most folks will have a lengthy drive, flight, etc.

Although I've only attended one reunion it appears that what collectors want is a pretty nice place to stay, good food, a certain amount of free time to socialize and the opportunity to see lighthouses. No matter the cost or location, when the time comes, most will choose to attend. Sure you can't please everyone 100% in all respects but I'm sure the HL crew tries their best.