Weeeelllllll, I'll take a shot eventhough you've thrown me on at least one or two of them, and though I may agree with Bob on some of his, there are other possible options, but I think I only have 9 to give: (I was going to break them down too, Bob :p but didn't)

East Chop, MA (Telegraph Hill - Decipher)

Point Wilson, WA - (President)

Owl's Head, ME - (Who)

one of the un-done breakwaters (perhaps Buffalo - for you bottle-light cravers) - (Break)

Bird Island, MA or Cat Island, LA - (Cat)

Grave's Ledge, MA - (Burial)

Mystic Seaport, CT - (Cayce)

Bristol Ferry, RI - (Fairy/Ferry)

Fowey Rocks, FL - (Fooey)


Health through education, for a much misguided nation!!