1. I want to keep my complete collection intact.
2. I am curious to handle it and see this creation in person.
3. I will probably display it in my unfinished basement.

Answer #1

Bravo, Bobo! I remember when I was into the complete collection mode, and I will be the first to admit it is an obsession. It wasn't easy to break away from that habit but I did it without going into rehab.

The best thing I did was selling off a few of my coveted pieces with flag# 23 (auto ship). There they were sitting in my storage area in their boxes. They weren't displayed and probably wouldn't have been if I didn't sell them to other collectors. That broke the complete collection chain and I was free at last.

I still buy one of every new LE, AB, or Lens release but would sell most of them if they weren't from my area of the country. Yes, even the new pieces with #23 can be purchased from me. I still have over 600 HL's in storage and I have 18 HL's in boxes in my computer room that need to be logged into inventory. These were purchased on the secondary market for resale within the last couple of weeks. Hmmm? Maybe I should shave my head and join Mrs. Federline at rehab.

Answer #2

Go to a dealer and enjoy your fantasy! Handle the piece! Picture in your mind Fantasyland Castle and Mickey, Minnie, and Goofy! Once it's out of your system, carefully put the piece down (if you break it you may have to buy it) then tell the dealer to notify you when the next real HL comes in.

Answer #3

You store your HL's in an unfinished basement? I'm one up on you. Bobo! I store my HL's in a finished basement. The boxes are on shelves, couches, chairs, the bar, the pool table, the carpeting, etc. I'm buried in HL boxes!

Seriously, on a serious note, I never get too serious about most anything.

smile Bob smile