Ever since the 1997 Reunion in San Diego, when I first mentioned it to Kim, Nancy & Bill, I have wished for Harbour Lights to do New London Harbour Lighthouse, site of the fourth lighthouse station in America. It is located at the mouth of the Thames River, where the river meets Long Island Sound and Fishers Island Sound.

I suggested having it be the first in a new line of Harbour Lights and Anchor Bay pieces that fit together. By that I mean there would be a Harbour Lights of the lighthouse tower and keepers house that could stand on its own, BUT there would also be an Anchor Bay piece of some significant sailing vessel (like the USCG Barque Eagle, the Nautilus (first nuclear sub), or USS Holland submarine (first sub the Navy ever purchased)) that could stand on its own OR be displayed together as a single unit.

One of these vessels would be great as an Anchor Bay piece (the Eagle is berthed at the USCG Academy in New London and the subs have a connection to Groton, CT, on the opposite shore where subs are built at Electric Boat or homeported at the US Subbase). I also think that the see through acrylic technology of today would be allow the 2/3 of the sub that is under water to be seen.

OK, I have gone on long enough and as you can tell, I would be elated if New London Harbour lighthouse (aka Pequot Light) were to be done this year.

(CT Keeper)

(CT Keeper)