Originally posted by wheland:
Originally posted by grandmaR:
I'm absolutely astonished that there are two places named "Point No Point" - and both of them have lighthouses!!!

The one in Maryland is quite different from the one in WA.


That's nothing- there are two lights named Stony Point in NY state and they look very different as well.
My astonishment was that there were two places with that name, which I consider quite unusual and ambiguous, rather than that there were two lighthouses named the same.

Once when the Navy was using the target off Point No Point, a British gent called the Coast Guard to ask if his course was OK, and he said "Your No Point Point, or Point Pointless or whatever it is".

The Washington Point No Point is much more architecturally interesting than the one in the Chesapeake, which is just another caison lighthouse. (IMHO)