Oops - I should have told you to look at
the previous posting titled "No automatic
buzzer for wackodom" and then read
Mombo's reply re: pin.

Looks like there is some interest in a
pin here. Suggestions have been made to
have a different pin each year with the
design of the lighthouse HL is giving
donations to (if there is a different one
each year ??? Anyone know? ). And with
that year's date and the word WACKO
inscribed on the pin. Another suggestion
was to have the design of the Monument to
Lighthouse Keepers at Avery Point, CT,
which is going to be restored and is now
accepting donations; and this would be a
constant design and donation until the
project was complete. I thought maybe
there should be plateaus of wackoness: a
pin for the first 50 postings - you are a
one-star (or should we day "one-light")
wacko; a different pin when you achieve
say l50 postings; and so on. You could
wear them all proudly, as you progress
through wackodom, just like a 5 star

Newbies -- getting a Wacko pin is
something to strive for. Sort of the
"rites of passage". When you qualified,
then you could order your pin. This
would spur you on to do postings to your
heart's delight!

Let's hear comments on these ideas; plus
some of your own ideas. We need to know
--- how many wackos are out there in
wackoland? Are there enough for the
first pin order which has to be a minimum
of l00 pins? And how many of you newbies
think you would be wackos and interested
in a pin, by say after the lst of the
year, as this would be a 2000 millenium

Can some of you do designs on your
computer and scan them onto this forum,
so we can get some ideas, once we find
out about the status of upcoming HL donations to lighthouse?

Keep your ideas and comments coming. KTF
