This hardcover coffee table book is a color picture filled book of lighthouses. Very nice presentation and pictures but beware!
The inside leafs of the book which has a map of lighthouses with many major ones missing. Montauk, St Augie, Race Point to name a few. Now this may not be the idea behind the book but it doesn't explain what ultimate means or what the premise for the book is. Most pictures are not labeled and are referred to on different pages. Very confusing. Some lighthouses are referred to as the wrong ones - example Plum Island is labeled as Old Field - close but no cigar! Lots of Canadian Lighthouses.
Ponce is said to be the second tallest lighthouse to CH but says it's 165 feet and lists Fire Island is 180, although Ponce is 175 and FI is 168.
A+ for quality of pictures
C- for accuracy
F - for being called "the ultimate book of lighthouses"
Narrative is interesting but after the above errors, I wonder about it's accurracy?

[This message has been edited by rscroope (edited 08-21-2000).]