The Eastern Great Lakes Harbour Lights Collector's Club would like to announce the opportunity to win an original 16" by 20" pen and ink drawing of The Fort Niagara Lighthouse by Steve "Digger" Ervin (Provided through special arrangements with the artist). The drawing will be on display at our club table along with information on how to purchase tickets by mail. Tickets will be $5.00 each, or 3 tickets for $12.00.
In addition, information will be available on a raffle to win one of three Harbour Lights LE's, Fort Niagara, Buffalo, and Charlotte Genesee, donated by our members or local HL dealers. Tickets for this raffle, also available by mail, will be $2.00 or 3 tickets for $5.00.
Drawing for all prizes in both raffles will take place on January 2, 2002. Thank you for supporting our efforts toward local lighthouse preservation.

[This message has been edited by JimJohnson (edited 09-30-2001).]