My children are as much a part of lighthousing as Jackie and I. They grew up around many lighthouses through my many years of service in the Coast Guard. They played at the base of Cape Henry; "rode the cable" to Nubble; peered through the lens of Cape May. Through their excitement, through their eyes I saw things which I always took for granted. It's because of them, I am posting here today. I'm sure Sean, Rich and others can concur.

Through the years, these "beacons of mercy" have been disappearing due to technological advances. Loran, and now GPS has taken over shipboard navigation, steering a vessel to within a few meters of accuracy. If it wasn't for the many volunteer conservation groups in this country (including HL), who have given countless hours and money to save these beacons, we would have surely seen a decline in their population... and possible extinction. My children... the future volunteers of these groups, will help keep "the flame burning" for many years to come, and I trust... their children as well. How can I tell them they are not wanted as a part of this group? How can I expect them to continue collecting, and giving their time and money to the many societies if they are expected to remain home?"

Tim - Keeping the flame lit...