Hi! I don't post much (so far none at all!) but I stay up to date thru digitalman; however, I did want to participate in the survey:

1) B--it's more personal; besides, if the crowd is humongous, you'll never find all of your friends anyway! Plus you get to spend more quality time with those who are there

2) C--but also see Art's point in that if there are no limited collectibles, $$$ seekers won't have an incentive to show up

3) C--if there is only one reunion, yet you limit the attendees, aren't you chancing not seeing all of your friends which is a complaint of having two?

4) A--a collector may have one or two buddies who enjoy lighthouses, but if they enjoy it that much, they would be members anyway

5) G--I don't fly...I liked Bill's suggestion of Savannah...close to home!!!

6) overlook having a reunion at all! (Note to Mombo about the Great Lakes: When digitalman and I saw Bill in Atlanta, he made it clear that HL had checked and had received a pretty clear NO to having the reunion there.)
